"Twelve angry Lebanese Men" a classic play in theatre, movies, organizational behavior studies, drama therapy... directed by Zeina Daccache, to perform in the known prison of Roumiyeh Lebanon. Actors are prisoners themselves that have been selected from different nationalities.
A year ago, Roumiyeh was in the news for a mutiny and crack down by force. Today, Roumiyeh has the buzz of the place to see. Can you get tickets for the latest play? overbooked? How can you get in there?
The choice of the play is quite significant: "as inmates questioned the country's judicial system, talked about prison conditions and told personal tales through their adaptation of Twelve Angry Men, a play by Reginald Rose in which a jury of 12 men meets to decide the fate of a boy who is accused of murder" (BBC)
Every sat from feb 7th to mid March. A thrilling experience worth the effort. An invitation to allow small changes that might question the status quo and improve level of human expression.
1 comment:
"2 million angry Lebanese Men and 2 million angry Lebanese woman" a classic
play in Lebanon, organizational behavior studies, drama therapy...
directed by God, to perform in the known prison of Lebanon. Actors are the
Lebanese themselves that have not been selected but are naturally found.
Few years ago, Lebanon was daily in the news for Lebanese killing each
other and whoever they meet. Today, Lebanon has the buzz of the place to
see. Can you get tickets to fly there?, every day and all day form now to ?
overbooked? How can you get in there?
The choice of the play is quite significant: "as Lebanese questioned the
country's political, educational, theological, security, and judicial
systems, talked about the country conditions and told personal tales
through their adaptation in which a jury of me decide the fate of the fu _ _ _ _ up country.
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