Saturday 31 October 2009

Yallah Underground

Yallah Underground: "I don't sell a dream, I sell reality, that's the difference between me and a pop singer." Rayess Bek, Scrambeld Eggs, Fareeq al Utrash...
From the trailer, Farid Eslam, director, shows expert techniques of documentary film making. He chose a subject, we as arab, are rarely aware of: Underground music...
It reminds us of the vibrant talents ready to explode when given a chance. It reveals the need to express beyond the main avenues. It gives hope that creativity lives under the thickest concrete slab.
Let them all play and sing.
And let us wait for the movie to be released...

facebook page : Link
(thanks Alia for the info)


Victoria said...

very interesting, looking forward to the movie, i am always so curious about finding more information on the underground music scene in the region...or for that matter, independent radio, maybe just a pipedream.

sarah said...

The Director is from eastern Europe and it seems he is still looking for funding to explore underground music in other Arab cities: Cairo, Ghaza...
They are fund raising through websites and other methods.
This documentary was done in Beirut: and I am sure you can find there all kinds of under-underground music from traditional, local to the latest trends.
A Swedish journalist was in Beirut and she talked about her encounters of underground music in the Palestinian camps. Very interesting, as you said!

Thomas Modeen said...

Great Stuff..!

Looking forward to seeing & hearing more...


sarah said...

Thank you for your encouragements...